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News From Shattuck Middle School
November 7, 2022
Today is a Day 1
Musicians: It is a Holst Day
French Club is canceled today.
Calling all students who love to read! We want YOU to join Battle of the Books, a reading competition in which teams of 2 to 4 students read the same 20 books. Starting in January teams work together to answer questions about the books. The team with the most correct answers competes in the statewide Battle at the end of February.mHow do you join? Come to our first meeting on November 10 in the library during your lunch. Bring your lunch to the library with you. You can come with a team or we will help you find a team. You will also be able to start reading the books which have been specially ordered and set aside for Battle participants.Let Mrs. McMahon know if you have any questions
Lunch Menu
Lunch Today: Mashed Potato & Chicken Bowl, Mini Turkey Corn Dogs, Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza or a Meat and Cheese Sub
Stay Rocket Ready and have a great day!!!!